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The scheme has been evolving in response to feedback from a wide range of stakeholders, organisations and local residents over the past four years, starting in June 2016 with concept designs, moving to a draft masterplan in March 2017, and the submitted masterplan in February 2018.

December 2021 to present

The amended scheme is closely related to the original application although certain improvements and changes explored in the scheme produced with the input of GLA officers have been included. Given the extensive consultation carried out on the original scheme, and the consultation carried out by the GLA in connection with the alternative proposals, public consultation on the amended scheme has been highly focused and has essentially ensured that local people are aware of the changes from the scheme which LBRuT resolved to grant permission while also referring to the scheme generated with the GLA. Feedback has therefore been encouraged in connection with the areas of change from the original LBRuT scheme and the GLA scheme.

The findings from the most recent consultation exercises will be captured in a detailed SCI (Statement of Community Involvement) which is now available on the LBRUT planning portal here: [insert link to planning portal with ref number]. As the scheme is close to the original application, see the February 2018 SCI (Statement of Community Involvement) to access a full record of all prior consultation.

For the amended (hybrid) scheme the following consultation was conducted:

  • Communications issued in December 2021 to draw attention to the proposal to submit an amended planning application for the former Stag Brewery site early in 2022 via an email circulated to all who signed up to the original consultation database (ca 1,000)
  • Consultation website updated in December 2021 to describe forthcoming application and timelines (referred to in above communications)
  • Interactive consultation website sections added in January 2022 for the amended town centre and secondary school planning applications – Applications ‘A’ and ‘B’ - each with their own distinctive on-line polls
  • Adverts placed in the Barnes, Mortlake and Sheen Times on multiple dates to draw attention to the interactive website, the focused webinar sessions and the planning application submission timeline
  • Two webinar sessions (as above) consisting of presentations by the architects and chaired Q&A sessions with the full consultant team and all participants (advertised as above and on the consultation website with invitations issued to everyone on the consultation database and former Community Liaison Group members (1,000+))
  • Discussions between representatives of the developer and key representatives of the Mortlake Brewery Community Group (MBCG)
  • Feedback from the on-line polls, webinars and emails shared with all participants
  • SCI (Statement of Community Involvement) published on the updated consultation website referencing the original 2018 SCI, which is directly accessible through the website
  • Forthcoming Statutory Consultation conducted by LBRuT

Past consultation activities

Three masterplan applications were submitted in February 2018 following a thorough and extensive consultation process with local stakeholders. The format that this consultation, which took place from 2016 and 2018 and involved over 1600 people participating, was as follows:

  • 2 pop-up events
  • 7 Community Liaison Group (CLG) meetings with 34 members
  • 2 public exhibitions
  • Over 2,000 public exhibition attendees
  • Over 1,000 feedback forms submitted
  • One-to-one meetings with Members of London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames and local MP’s
  • One-to-one meetings with community and amenity groups
  • One-to-one meeting with Chertsey Court Residents

The project team has been working with local residents, businesses and organizations throughout the planning application process. The consultation process is facilitated by Soundings to ensure that views from the local community are listened to, and given consideration to, with regards to the emerging plan.

The consultation process started in June 2016.

To ensure effective public engagement throughout all stages of design developed, a Community Liaison Group (CLG) was formed. The CLG is comprised of representatives from local community groups, residents groups, businesses and parent groups. The Community Liaison Group held regular meetings with the project team, discussing the themes that have emerged as priorities from the public feedback after the March 2017 exhibition. Members were invited to take part in the webinars of 26 and 27 January, 2022.

Past consultation activities
25 June 2016 Attendance at Mortlake Fair
9 July 2016 Attended Barnes Fair
July 2016 to June 2017 Meetings with different community groups and representatives
11 March 2017 First public drop-in exhibition
25 April 2017 CLG 1: The school
16 May 2017 CLG 2: Heights, density and public realm
6 June 2017 CLG 3: Transport, traffic and environmental impact
4 July 2017 CLG 4: Open discussion session
13-15 June 2017 Second Public Exhibition
19 September 2017 CLG 5: Masterplan evolution
8 February 2018 Submission of Applications A, B and C to LBRuT
12 February 2018 CLG 6: Final presentation of the masterplan
2018 and 2019 Scheme Revisions and Statutory Consultations 
January 2020 LBRuT Planning Committee meet and resolve to grant permission for Applications A and B and to refuse Application C
4 May 2020 London Mayor Calls the scheme in
2020 and 2021 Scheme Revisions and Statutory Consultation in three stages: 

a. Key Design Changes – 14 August to 27 September, 2020
b. Design Revisions – 1 to 31 October 2020 
c. Transport mitigations – 8 February to 8 March 2021

Application ‘C’ is withdrawn in November, 2020
27 July 2021 Public Hearing at City Hall chaired by London Mayor and refusal of Applications A & B
September 2021 LBRuT Design Review Panel on Amended Scheme
Current consultation activities
2021 and 2022 Amended Scheme consultation
17 December 2021 Email to all individuals and groups signed up on consultation database
17 December 2021 Website update
January 2022 Developer meets representatives of Mortlake Brewery Community Group (MBCG)
24 January 2022 Launch of interactive website addressing amended (hybrid) scheme
26 and 27 January 2022 Public webinars on amended scheme
February 2022 Statement of Community Involvement published
Spring 2022 LBRuT Statutory Consultation

If you would like to be added to our mailing list and kept informed about project and consultation events, please contact the Stag Brewery team on 020 7729 1705 or