The 'hybrid scheme' offers:
Note: There have been no design changes to the Secondary School from the original application – for which there was a council resolution to grant consent in January, 2022.
A new 1,200-place academy with a focus on tech, coding and new forms of digital creativity, with access to the River Thames, offering further opportunities for training and development of the borough’s young people, all in keeping with a recognised and acknowledged degree of excellence that the borough’s educational attainment is closely associated with.
A new six form secondary school for approx. 1,200 students in accordance with the LBRuT Local Plan;
- A school focus on promoting IT, programming and addressing pupils’ needs for the demands of the tech industry of the future
- Supports a wider borough-wide strategy for tech centres of excellence and retains enviable commitment to high levels of educational attainment
- £41m in Government funds for the school
- Access to the river offering the potential for lessons in sculling, kayaking, canoeing, etc
- Over 9,000 m2 of external play-space within school (excluding indoor Multi Use Games Area) (9,320 m2)
- Community access to external sporting facilities out of hours
- A sustainable transport plan for the school (and wider masterplan) to reduce traffic and congestion
- Substantial sustainability benefits across both applications including targeting:
- Approximately 60% reduction in carbon emissions against Part L of the Building Regulations
- A UGF (Urban Greening Factor) score of 0.24 site wide (of which Application ‘A’ is 0.25 and Application ‘B’ 0.22)
- A Building Research Establishment’s Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) ‘Excellent’ rating
- Economic benefits arising from the provision of a range of new commercial uses including new commercial Class E office floorspace, which would include an element of affordable workspace, benefits arising from employee spend and local construction jobs
- Transport improvements including highways works, contributions to bus facilities and the level crossing area and significant provision of cycle parking facilities and good pedestrian routes to encourage sustainable modes of travel
- Significant CIL contribution which will facilitate improvements to local infrastructure and the Mayor’s strategic transport infrastructure
The new Stag Secondary School will form a campus for approximately 1200, years 7-11 students including a sixth form. The school will be situated off Lower Richmond Road and sport facilities for the whole school, and available for community use (through a community use agreement), will be adjacent to the school building.
The proposal involves the provision of a new 3 storey school building and associated external facilities which will comprise:
- A new school building of approximately 9,314m2 (GIA) on the Site for approximately 1200 pupils and sixth form including a new three-court indoor sports hall
- A new external two-court Multi Use Games Area
- A new outdoor flood-lit 3G synthetic turf playing pitch to meet Sport England Standards, including community use
- Hard and soft play and social areas
- New car parking provision, circulatory access and pedestrian access
The educational design brief has been formed on the basis of the ESFA baseline to include the following:
- Separate student and visitor entrances
- Adequate parking and cycle parking
- Hard and soft play areas
- Controlled access to a 3G artificially surfaced sports pitch
- Sustainable building
- Zoning to allow out of school hours community use of both sports and other facilities within the building
- Subject specific classrooms
- 3-court sports hall and associated facilities
Three options were considered for the placement of the Stag Secondary School within the western parcel of the former Stag Brewery site. Feedback on the options were raised as following:
- Protection of open space
- Impact on existing traffic by school traffic
- Visual and acoustic disturbance from school on adjacent properties
- Desire for re-provision of full sized football pitch with community access
- Aesthetic concerns
The option that was selected provided the following:
- Optimised and protected open public space on Lower Richmond Road
- Single direction traffic along Williams Lane and at junction with Lower Richmond Road
- A floodlit full sized 3G artificially turfed football pitch
The school is therefore proposed to be positioned to the east of the existing playing field in a North/South direction with a new 3G football pitch, MUGA and playground to the West of theschool. A new public park will sit to the south of the football pitch and serve as a buffer between the pitch and LRR. The main entrance to the school will be situated in the East façade of the building and it is intended that pupils can approach the building via pavements that line a new road to the East of the building.
A consequence of the siting of the school is that it will be surrounded by emerging context to the North and East. This emerging context has been designed in accordance with the Stag Brewery Planning Brief and greater detail regarding height and layout of these buildings can be found in the associated hybrid Planning Application for the Stag Brewery Site (Application A).
Click on the image below to open a slideshow of proposed plans and images
No changes have taken place since the scheme was originally submitted (and was resolved to be approved). The design team has looked at the potential of developing housing on top of the secondary school, as has happened elsewhere in London, at the behest of the council and Design Review Panel to further ease heights elsewhere. However, it has been deemed that this is not possible given the educational context.
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